Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Terri Schiavo, What could we know?

We are not there to see Terri. We are not doctors trained to detail her condition or give prognosis. What the public CAN do is read what is being posted in the media and blogs, read the transcripts of numerous interviews of doctors and individuals who would actually have some knowledge about her situation. Given some of these experts may be biased by way of;
1) are they on the pay roll of one side or the other,
2) biases regarding their right to life/right to die views,
3) political views,
4) or most obviously their own diagnosis/prognosis based on their evaluation.

There are so many unknowns. Is Terri a vegetable or coherent to some degree? What does Terri really want? If we cannot determine with certainty then who should decide?. Husband, family or court? There seems to be experts and plenty of emotion for both sides of the fence.

As many answers are unclear and doubt around every corner, I feel the moral right is to nourish and hydrate Terri for a while longer. Let us try to more thoroughly insure we are not taking her life when she is aware what is happening with no voice for a vote.

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