Friday, June 09, 2006

Bill Clinton Secretary General, Hillary President?

The is a growing buzz for who will replace Kofi Annan as UN Secretary General. Former President Bill Clinton has been mentioned as a possible candidate. Regardless of how one feels about him as a person or how he was as a President, for this issue let us turn our attention to a few ripples away from where the pebble strikes the pond. Look at effects of his entering this position.

The political strategists may be frothing at the mouth over this one, however I believe it is a simple If/Then statement: If Bill Clinton becomes UN Secretary General, then Hillary Clinton will not be President in 2008, 2012 or ever. Bill Clinton has denied he is searching for the post and according to the sometimes politically biased Wikpedia, the Secretary General position rotats amoung the 6 continentall regions. There has yet to be a North American and Oceania (Phillipines, New Guinea, Thialand, etc) UN Secretary General.

No reasonable person would simultaneously approve of a Hillary Clinton President of the US and Hill Clinton Secretary General of the UN. However, a reasonable political strategy would be Bill Clinton as Secretary General beginning 2007, serves just 1 year of his 5 year term and steps down as Hillary runs/is elected President starting January 2009.

The candidates for Secretary General are vetted and nominated by the Security Council. The UN body votes on the candidates to decide who is to become Secretary General. For matters of what appear to be balancing of power, the Secretary General post is not typically filled by a person who is a citizen of a Security Council member. Typically lesser powered countries have a representative filling the post. This makes it all the less likely the US willl have a Secretary General. It would more than likely be a Mexican, Canadian or Greenlander, or figure from a Central American country.

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