Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Oil For Food - Annan May Have Known About Cotecna

Article by FoxNews today suggests UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, may have known about future of Cotecna contract under Oil For Food Program. Cotecna is a company who employed the SG's son, Kojo Annon. The SG has denied any knowledge of the contract talks between the UN and Cotecna. The FoxNews article links an email from a Cotecna rep, Michael Wilson (a friend of Kofi) to other Cotecna associates following a supposed meeting with the SG. Read the article; http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,159532,00.html

Until the above is proven true, MoreThanCorn is still a supporter of Kofi Annan. MoreThanCorn does not support the UN, however with the organization as it exists, summations can be made about their day to day decisions and activities. These same opinions can be drawn about those in positions of authority at the UN. As of today it is the opinion of the author the SG is responsible for what happens on his watch. However like any leader of an organization of thousands, it is not possible for the leader to head off all issues prior to their arrival. When mistakes or improprieties are found, it is the SG, CEO, or President's job to replace those committing the wrongs. Taking Mr. Annan out of his post due to the wrong doings of others below him is not necessarily the best answer to the problem. Terminating those who gravely erred is appropriate. The more quickly the problems are found and the wrong doers flushed from the UN, the more quickly the organization can get back to focusing the resources on constructive endeavors.

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