Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Senate Passes Boarder Wall

It was a great day for this country, the Senate passed a border wall bill for 370 miles of triple fence. It passed by more than a 5 to 1 ratio.

Dick Durban from New York said the wall would just hurt relations with Mexico. With this comment I believe he is pandering to a small group of his constituents or possibly just trying to look strong for them, when he has no ideas of his own.

I caught the middle to end of an interview yesterday on Hugh Hewitt's evening radio show... an individual who was being interviewed explained a 3 layer wall would consist of a combination of actual wall structure, long ditches (anti-vehicle crossing) and digital equipment for surveillance.

This individual stated there is not a need for a 2000 mile wall from California to Texas due to many parts of the southern US/Mexico border have geographic barriers such as the Rio Grande River and cliffs which in some places in Texas grow 200 feet just inside the US. Crossing at these points is nearly impossible for an illegal alien, therefore would rarely be attempted. The actual triple fence would be constructed inside and on the flanks of metro areas of border towns.

Three cheers for the Senate and the President!

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