Monday, April 10, 2006

Quiet Lips Are Not Heard

Are there just as many Americans of Latino and Hispanic descent who disagree with the current rally's?

Today’s Arizona Republic posted an article on the front page. The article’s subject was one of a much different picture painted of the marches around the nation for “immigrant rights.”

In a 180 degree turn from other mass media, the AZ Republic wrote an article “Migrant issue divides Latinos”.

The article states there are Latino’s who oppose amnesty or anything near to it for illegal immigrants.

The articles speaks to a gentleman from the Center for Immigration Studies and a local Phoenix resident. They state many current, legal US citizens who are Latino are having to compete for jobs and houses. This is not the important issue here.

Today’s march in Arizona was expected to be between 50,000-100,000. Like previous marches for these same causes, there would be some who know why they are there and others just wanting to be a part of something without rhyme or reason. The core issues here are;
1) These folks are here by illegal means
2) Two weeks ago they marched with Mexican flags. Then realized it really t’d off legal citizens of the country, so for today’s march, coincidentally every flag was The Stars and Stripes.
3) Many of the illegal aliens are using our health care systems, costing taxpayers billions, most notable in California yet it is without argument a national cost which tax payer Joe is writing the check.
4) Now they march down our city streets protesting, demanding “immigrant rights”.

This country already has immigrant rights. It is called legal citizenship.

These protests in Phoenix today, made traffic more than difficult from before 12 noon to after 6pm for the entire city. The businesses (including restaurants and offices) were effected by this march have lost probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in business and man hours. People trying to get home on the interstate today in Phoenix will be taking longer to do so, this means less time with family. If these 100,000 people were at the rally, then they definitely were not adding to the economic engine from which they have the audacity to demand benefit.

I spoke with my father just a few minutes ago. He coincidentally reinforced the AZ Republic article in his experience this evening with marches in Indianapolis. He was not able to leave work for a half hour due to the rally. He stated it was peaceful. It was just causing disruption.

The AZ Republic bungled the sub-title, "Dissenting voices drowned out by pro-immigrant rallies". What is this really about? Is it not about citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants?

Whatever your opinion thus far on this issue, read Charles Krauthammer’s opinion.

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