Friday, March 10, 2006

Dubai Ports World - Giving Up Contract

The DP World issue may only be at best a sore spot between the UAE and the United States. I also doubt it will last long. Let us say bad feelings will be around for a few months or a year. Maybe. The UAE is apparently has a good many business savvy folks.

Oil has been the mid-East's bread/butter for some years. They know it will come to an end one day. The closer everyone else comes to using alternative fuels on every car sold, the closer they are to selling oil for $20/barrel.

They know this. We know this. The UAE is trying to "diversify" their portfolio. In the coming years, other mid-East nation governments and/or citizens will likely be doing the same... looking to the United States and other countries for investment opportunities. The UAE is already working on their smooth transition from a nation with most of it's eggs in the oil basket to eggs in a lot of baskets. Good on ya UAE.

OPEC will eventually run dry. The UAE is just leading the way for a changed mid-East.

Then changing economy of the mid-East will be a heavy influence on the democratization of the region. Freer trade may coincide with growing democratic influence.

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