Monday, November 21, 2005

History Will Not Be Rewrit

"This is revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety..." - Vice President, Dick Cheney

VP Dick Cheney today went on the obvious offensive. He did everything but recount the names of those congressman who first voted for the use of force in Iraq in 2002 and now are accusing the President of lying and suggesting a full US troop pullout of Iraq is necessary.

Senator Joe Biden is strattling the fence. He has announced his congruence with US forces remaining in Iraq, however he thinks the US goals should change.

All comments will be posted in Democrat Blue or Republican Red. According to a Fox News story;
"The president has to abandon his grandiose goals. Iraq will not become a model democracy anytime soon. We need to refocus our mission on preserving America's fundamental interests in Iraq..." - Senator Biden.

Senator Biden's three goals for Iraq ;
1) coming to a political settlement giving all of Iraq's major groups a stake in keeping the country together
2) strengthening the Iraq's government ability to deliver basic services and revamp reconstruction
3) speeding up the training of Iraqi security forces and transfer control to them.

It appears Senator Biden is not breaking any new ground here;
1) "All Iraqis must have a voice in the new government, and all citizens must have their rights protected." - President Bush, February 26, 2003, speech to the American Enterprise Institute.
2) The second is vague and basic services are being met more everyday, and what is "revamp" reconstruction? "Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own. We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary and not a day more. America has made and kept this kind of commitment before, and the peace that followed a world war." -President Bush, (same speech)
3) Regardless of whether US forces were training 1 new Iraqi Security force per day or churning out 1000/day, Senator Biden may say the training needs to "speed up." A "pullout strategy" may be some democrats confusing their politics with intamacy issues and their partners.

The US public thanks Senator Biden for the specificity in his vagueness.

The three most important quotes from the article show the divide down party lines and what decisions should be made to shape how future history will look. Also from the same FoxNews article See who said what...

a) Rep John Murtha D- stated; recent months he [Rep Murcha] has grown increasingly troubled with the direction of the war and with the administration's handling of it... "The public turned against this war before I said it.."

b) Former Sen. John Breaux, D-La, said "the argument should be discussing strategies on how to end the war in Iraq...We’re not getting anywhere by staying the course..."

c) VP Dick Cheney, "..A precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would be a victory for the terrorists... and a terrible blow to the future security of the United States of America.."

It is comforting to know the President has already ruled out cutting and running from Iraq. What is good for Iraqi's is also good for the US. This mutual benefit is true for all countries when the subject is national security. The first countries to step up to the plate and start swinging; US, Britian, Australia will be written into history as the leading members of the war against terrorism. For the members of the US Congress and other nation governments who have been so against this war for all reasons, arguable or illegitimate, I hope they come on board sooner vs later. However, in the pages of history, if the US started the War on Terror on page 1, I hope it is duly recorded they entered on page 24.

I encourage all to read the entire speech by President Bush to the American Enterprise Institute.

This President should be, and will be seated among the greatest of US Presidents. He has led during the "worst of times and the best of times." His many successes have been quickly overshadowed by his next challenge. For his desire early in his first term to bring Democrats and Republicans onto common grounds to actually make decisions. Martin Van Buren would be proud. Then President Bush and his Reagan inspired tax cuts. Finally, the War on Terror, no less important and pivotal a time as the World Wars I and II. These are three issues of many. No President has had a flawless term.

There are three more years for problems to arrive and this President to make decisions. He is the CEO of the greatest country. The CEO is there to lookout for the shareholders. MoreThanCorn opines; "The President is looking out for all of our interests very well."

This, I am confident will be what my children read in their history class. If not, there father will.

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