Saturday, December 31, 2005


Predictions for the new year seem to be like playing the lottery every week hoping to win... superfluous. Hopes for the new year is realistic.

I will go one step further then hope.
I pray;

1) For Venezuela as President Hugo Chavez brakes back of economy. Article by Bloomberg.

2) Trickle down effects of Bull market in US will continue to fuel wealth building globally.

3) Continued progress in Iraq and even fewer casualties, Iraqi and American.

4) Progress with Israel/Palestine and for Syria to keep their meddling hands out.

5) Bless, President George Bush and his leadership with us in the next year.

ANWR Drilling

I really need to learn how Heydudewho finds all these interesting articles. Here is a link he found to blogger imnotemeril who wrote an easy to comprehend post showing the relative size of ANWR to the area proposed for drilling.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

American Hatred, Born From Jealousy

During breakfast last week I read the label of Wolfgang Puck’s ‘Chicken and Dumpling Soup’. My interest moved from reading the label to imagining the path Mr Puck took in order get “..where he was, to where he is.”.

“Wolfgang Puck”, is such a distinguishing name. This name, I thought, may have aided in the success he has earned. I began to daydream. How did he rise to the top of American cheffery?

He came from Austria and now is a successful Chef with restaurants, franchises, cooking goods for sale and recipe books.

I think to myself, “What is there not love about this story.” All Austrians and Americans should be proud of Mr. Puck. I think most Americans are proud of him. I believe most Austrians are as well.

It would be no surprise if the average American and Austrian citizen had similar aspirations as Wolfgang Puck. They want what is best for themselves and their families. Those who are successful may have been inspired by successful predecessors. The respect for other’s accomplishment plus the desire to ‘have what they have’ is a motivator no doubt.

The inspiration to do what others have done and be successful, appears to instill respect. Most folks would respect a successful business man for example. A few may let the respect turn into jealousy.

If both Americans and Austrians are similar by nature, wanting what is best for themselves and family is a priority. Many people can be respectful of success, but others may fall victim to destructive thoughts. This jealousy does not stop with just a desire to have the same size house as the successful person. The man who is jealous may be vocal about the jealousy. However the jealousy may not take an obvious form.

Have you heard someone who talks about wealthy families or individuals? They do not always express how they want the same lifestyle. They also may bring up how pompous or stuck-up they must be to drive they sports sedan or live in their big house. This could easily lead into other slanderous comments including making broad judgements of all wealthy people as a group. When at first the person was jealous of the wealthy man. Now, personal attacks are being levied on the person he may not even know.

This destructive thought of jealousy may be fogging the objectiveness of folks from countries who formerly looked to the US with respectful eyes.

The media has painted a European disdain for America. If someone only listened to mass media for their opinion making, their interpretation would be “every country on the planet hates America, even most Americans.” If the media was our only source, the citizens, government, rock stars, and sweet grandmothers of all countries would more likely be moved to burn an American then to support any American cause, just out of spite.

It seems unreasonable to conjecture the virulent hatred toward the US simply boiled over overnight, just because of say… the War in Iraq.

It would be naïve to think everyone agrees with US policy abroad. It is understandable some people within and outside of the country would hate the US for specific decisions. Most I feel can not defend why they hate America. However this is another debate in itself. However I am relieved to believe a small minority truly hate this country. There are pockets of hatred for the US, small pockets, in many places. While a minority of people hate America, they are still getting their own message out. Where is the majority who support America nearly unwavering? “A loud minority speaks louder then a quiet majority.” The masses of supporters are still out there… they are just mute or whispering their opinions at best.

Reasons to hate the US have been and are; Economic, Political, religious, too many freedoms, unilaterialism, highest average income, too many pairs of Nike’s per capita, levis jeans in French retail stores, and now western music in Iran and crackdown on all media. There are even words which have a negative connotation or have been coined to represent America. The last couple examples listed above are purposefully focusing on the productive power of the US and what this means to every other nation.

The millions of people worldwide who reportedly hate America I believe are undoubtedly the minority in number. However they all do not hate America for the same reason(s). There may be 100 reasons to hate America (whether justified or not). If there are 50 million vicious haters of the US, they each picked one or more of the 100 reasons. Some of these folks overlap in their dislikes and hates for the US, however they are by no means one voice.

Then enter, September 11 which led to US President Bush declaring war on terrorism and eventually war on Iraq to stay ahead of the curve. There was decent from the beginning about the war. The UN Security Council obviously wanted the war to wait. Everyone who hates America suddenly had a new option for hating America.. This time, it was a hate “all together now.” The war in Iraq had become the 101st reason to hate the US. All 50 million then had the 101st reason in common. This united their individual complaints of “the greatest country on God’s green earth” (courtesy Michael Medved) and raised it to a fever pitch as they were able to sound off in unison under one troop flag. This hate for America maybe just a disguise for a hate rooted in jealousy. It is easy to see, if someone is jealous of another, how easy is it to then dislike them for a second reason. Could this dislike eventually could to hate if the jealouy increases. Citizens of other countries may first see the US and be jealous. Then they hear a friend who verbally attacks the US citizenry on a personal note all stemming from the intial jealousy for freedoms, material wealth, etc.... The bandwagon is born.

I re-read my post from July 13, 2005, “Hugh Hewitt Interviews American-Muslim”. It was an interview by talk show host Hugh Hewitt out of LA. An Ethiopian immigrant called in and advised if America stopped pushing their culture on the rest of the world, the terrorism would stop. Mr Hewitt asked the man why he came to America. The man said he is a taxi cab driver. He came for a better life. The debate then changed and Mr Hewitt pointed out the rest of the world may be asking for American culture. American music, blue jeans, Starbucks and democracy are all things citizens of other countries must purchase and demand on their own. America is not forcing it on them.

The American haters call the Iraq War “An illegal war”. These people are also jealous. The American supporters call it the Iraqi Liberation. And they respect American progress. If a crowd of American supporters stand in front of a blind man and no one makes a peep, the crowd may not be heard over the 3 crazies in the front pounding their chests and bongo drums, saying how much they hate this country.

I do not know what Wolfgang Puck thinks of America. He makes many of us proud. We should not be jealous of success, but inspired by it. This stand alone idea could cause the numbers of American haters to decline.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Rumsfeld Interviewed by Bill O'Reilly

Interview with Sec of Def Donald Rumsfeld by Bill Oreilly;
1) Bill; How are we safer now this election has taken place?
Sec; The violent extremists have said what they intend to do, bring down modern democracies, attack west, and determined to alter our way of life.. terrorism changes behavior.... our victory is maintaining our way of life.
We want to fight the terrorists in Iraq, not in US.

2) Bill; How was Saddam a threat with no WMD
Sec; Had used WMD on own citizens, shooting at our planes, giving $25,000 to suicide bombers.

3) Bill; Iraqi's would not wage a gorilla war after Saddam was dethroned; Was the Sec of Def wrong...
Sec; Did not anticipate the level of violence.

4) Bill ; VP Cheney said, Insurgencies in it's last throws?
Sec; Spurt of energy when particularly violent... I think the reality of these terrorists is they will not sign a cease fire... these may last 4,5,6 or 8 years. Those extremists are attacking a legitamite government elected by their own people.

5) Bill; Press is 75% against Bush, Jack Murtha becoming icon for antiwar movement... won't come on Factor because he can not defend his statements. He has old the world Sec is incompentent.
Sec; Tim Russert repeated Jack Murtha
Bill: You have to bat it down, you must say he does not know what he is talking about.
Sec; If I spent all my time, stating everything that is wrong... Others in congress are saying

6) Bill; Why is press coverage hostile to Iraq war
Sec; Franklin Roosevelt was vilified, Lincoln, truman pounded over Korean war... this is tough business.. this is what happens in war...if we stopped everytime some criticized our country, this would be a much different country

7) Bill; Is Dean using Iraq for political reasons?
Sec; I don't know what is in Dean's head....We can't lose the battles in Iraq, only in Washington...
Bill; Dean says we can't win this war...
Sec; That's utter nonsense

8) Bill; This time next year, Iraqi's can fight own battle
Sec; Every day they are taking more responsibility... the rib cage is more important.. how long does it take us to develop our commanding officers... then they have to connect the army to the police and the police to the intelligence... We will start drawing down from 160k to 137k after elections... from there it will be need based... 214k Iraq security forces to date.

9) Bill; Coerce interrogation, no one can use coercion
Sec; The military will not be effected... no implications or changes

Sec comments; The American people have donated billions of dollars for relief efforts in pakistan, here at home for Katrina and for the Tsunami victims. This is a great country!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Iraqi Elections for Permanent Parliament

We are approaching another point in Iraqi history which may receive it's own chapter in my children's history book. Iraqi's will go to the polls again to elect a permanent parliament. This will happen Thursday.

Only Al Queda will not benefit from this election. I wonder what the front pages of major newspapers will show on Friday? If there is even one soldier or Iraqi killed, it will be sewn into the article as a major part of the days happenings.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Japan Forgives Iraq Debt

Per an associated press story, posted today, Japan forgave 80% of Iraq's debt owed to Japan.

Japan is a member of the Paris Club of main creditor nations, which last year agreed to reduce by 80 percent the $38.9 billion Iraq owed to its member states.

The US has forgiven 100% of the Iraqi debt owed. While the US taxpayer has paid for this "debt forgiveness", it will aid Iraq in bringing their economy off the ground. Taxes in Iraq may be able to remain a little lower therefore leaving more money in the hands of Iraqi citizens.

Interesting tid-bit from the Associate Press article; Japan's constitution bans the use of force in settling international disputes...

Monday, November 21, 2005

History Will Not Be Rewrit

"This is revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety..." - Vice President, Dick Cheney

VP Dick Cheney today went on the obvious offensive. He did everything but recount the names of those congressman who first voted for the use of force in Iraq in 2002 and now are accusing the President of lying and suggesting a full US troop pullout of Iraq is necessary.

Senator Joe Biden is strattling the fence. He has announced his congruence with US forces remaining in Iraq, however he thinks the US goals should change.

All comments will be posted in Democrat Blue or Republican Red. According to a Fox News story;
"The president has to abandon his grandiose goals. Iraq will not become a model democracy anytime soon. We need to refocus our mission on preserving America's fundamental interests in Iraq..." - Senator Biden.

Senator Biden's three goals for Iraq ;
1) coming to a political settlement giving all of Iraq's major groups a stake in keeping the country together
2) strengthening the Iraq's government ability to deliver basic services and revamp reconstruction
3) speeding up the training of Iraqi security forces and transfer control to them.

It appears Senator Biden is not breaking any new ground here;
1) "All Iraqis must have a voice in the new government, and all citizens must have their rights protected." - President Bush, February 26, 2003, speech to the American Enterprise Institute.
2) The second is vague and basic services are being met more everyday, and what is "revamp" reconstruction? "Rebuilding Iraq will require a sustained commitment from many nations, including our own. We will remain in Iraq as long as necessary and not a day more. America has made and kept this kind of commitment before, and the peace that followed a world war." -President Bush, (same speech)
3) Regardless of whether US forces were training 1 new Iraqi Security force per day or churning out 1000/day, Senator Biden may say the training needs to "speed up." A "pullout strategy" may be some democrats confusing their politics with intamacy issues and their partners.

The US public thanks Senator Biden for the specificity in his vagueness.

The three most important quotes from the article show the divide down party lines and what decisions should be made to shape how future history will look. Also from the same FoxNews article See who said what...

a) Rep John Murtha D- stated; recent months he [Rep Murcha] has grown increasingly troubled with the direction of the war and with the administration's handling of it... "The public turned against this war before I said it.."

b) Former Sen. John Breaux, D-La, said "the argument should be discussing strategies on how to end the war in Iraq...We’re not getting anywhere by staying the course..."

c) VP Dick Cheney, "..A precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would be a victory for the terrorists... and a terrible blow to the future security of the United States of America.."

It is comforting to know the President has already ruled out cutting and running from Iraq. What is good for Iraqi's is also good for the US. This mutual benefit is true for all countries when the subject is national security. The first countries to step up to the plate and start swinging; US, Britian, Australia will be written into history as the leading members of the war against terrorism. For the members of the US Congress and other nation governments who have been so against this war for all reasons, arguable or illegitimate, I hope they come on board sooner vs later. However, in the pages of history, if the US started the War on Terror on page 1, I hope it is duly recorded they entered on page 24.

I encourage all to read the entire speech by President Bush to the American Enterprise Institute.

This President should be, and will be seated among the greatest of US Presidents. He has led during the "worst of times and the best of times." His many successes have been quickly overshadowed by his next challenge. For his desire early in his first term to bring Democrats and Republicans onto common grounds to actually make decisions. Martin Van Buren would be proud. Then President Bush and his Reagan inspired tax cuts. Finally, the War on Terror, no less important and pivotal a time as the World Wars I and II. These are three issues of many. No President has had a flawless term.

There are three more years for problems to arrive and this President to make decisions. He is the CEO of the greatest country. The CEO is there to lookout for the shareholders. MoreThanCorn opines; "The President is looking out for all of our interests very well."

This, I am confident will be what my children read in their history class. If not, there father will.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Time "Brain Drain Europe" (article link only)

Time Europe wrote article "How to Plug Europe's Brain Drain". Found article linked by heydudewhoa. Will read this evening and comment tomorrow.

.... 11/21 addition to post, have not met own timeline... will post comments on article soon.

Friday, November 11, 2005

President moves from Defense to Offense

As late as September 10, 2001, our country was on defense, back on our heals, regarding terrorism and the growing danger. The War on Terror has been one of offense since September 14, 2001, when President Bush spoke from the National Cathedral in Washington and made a vow to bring to justice, those who caused so many to die.

"Just three days removed from these events, Americans do not have the distance of history, but our responsibility to history is clear. That responsibility is to answer these attacks, and rid the world of evil." - President Bush, Washington National Cathedral, Sept 14, 2001.

It may be in short order, one may look back and see the Veteran's Day speech by President Bush as the speech turning his political opponents onto their heals. After about 2 years of accusations by Senators Chuck Schumar of NY , John Kerry & Ted Kennedy of MA and others in the house and senate, the President may have reached his limit with what he has heard and the apparent effects it is having on public opinion of the war, troop morale and the "writing of history."

The President today went on the offense. Read the President's Veterans Day speech from Pennsylvania and read an article from CNN.

The MSM and Harry Reid have decided the President's speech today is purely politically driven and feels it was done because Bush's approval ratings are heading down. Maybe Harry Reid wants the approval rating of the President to continue to drop. Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer have something to gain directly from the President being discreditted, rightfully or not.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Amman Bombings

Detailed and hear-wrenching article by Washington Post about Amman, Jordan suicide bombings by al Queda.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Philosophy for Today

Smart people today must first learn what smart people did previous.

Philadelphia Union, Helping or Hurting Economy?

The Philadelphia Transit union folks are on strike. This is effecting 920,000 rides per weekday per the article. If a person goes to a destination, then at the end of the day the get home probably using the Transit system again. This number could probably be divided in half. About 460,000 people are advsersley effected by the strike.

Per the AP article, the president of the local union stated the following, justifying the order to strike;

"Members of Transport Workers Union Local 234 have not had a raise since December 2003. SEPTA is the fifth-largest transit agency in the country but workers' wages rank 20th, according to TWU president Jeff Brooks."

Is Jeff Brooks suggesting the fifth largest transit agency should be ranked fifth in wages? If the previous was truly the relationship (wage relative to transit membership size), then I as a union member would find out, "Which city has the largest transit authority? They must pay the most!"

Union leaders also rejected a 9 percent pay increase over three years... "They did offer the raise with one hand and then withdrew it with the other hand," Bedard (TWU spokesman) said. "Under their health care proposal, if you or your spouse or kid ended up having to go to the hospital for five days, you'd spend your whole raise."

The union currently pays 0% of their health care premium. They are being asked to pay for 5% under the new contract. The argument by Bedard above appears purely emotional. If MoreThanCorn spends 5 days in the hospital, the amount spent would erase much of his last raise as well. The raise is a "free 5 days in the hospital" from the employer. But if no one goes to the hospital, the union member gets to pocket it. It still sounds like a raise to me. Everyone has to spend something when they go to the hospital...except the poorest of our nation and illegal immigrants.

On the TWU Local 234 website in Philadelphia, one can read; union President, Jeff Brooks had recently been appointed to PA Transportation Funding and Reform Commission. President Brooks is quoted as saying, “The Commission provides an historic opportunity to make a positive impact for the environment, the economy and in the daily lives of the millions of people who depend on public transit to get to work, to attend school, to shop and to worship."

Tomorrow morning, TWU local 234 members will not be at work, or on the picketting line. The rest of the "Commonwealth" will be walking or finding a ride to work.

Friday, October 28, 2005

New York Times, A Little Misleading?

Read the Post by Michelle Malkin. Decide for yourself.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Importance of Being News

The announcement the Iraq Consitution passed by more then 3/4 of the Iraqi public who voted, is a landmark by many standards. Over 9 million Iraqis showed up to cast their ballot. Over 3 to 1 in favor of the new Constitution.

First, by any election or voting standards, for 3/4 of the voting public to concur is nothing less then a landslide. It answers unequivocally what the "mainstream" of Iraq wants for themselves. It is safe to venture, for most of these 78% who voted for the new constitution, they are motivated by either or both; a) A free, democratic Iraq or b) Anything other then a Totalitarian Dictatorship.

Second, this could be a point where support for the Iraqi democracy and inseperable issue of the war on terror (being centrally waged in Iraq) could begin to flow in favor, after ebbing out of favor for so long.

Per a FoxNews article posted 10/25, the perennial supporters for both Iraq democracy and the war on terror, the US, UK and Italy have voiced their approval and support. Australia was not quoted.

"It's a landmark day in the history of Iraq," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
"We congratulate the Iraqi people. ... The political process is continuing to move forward in Iraq, and it is an encouraging sign to see more and more people participating in the process."

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Iraqis "have shown again their determination to defy the terrorists and take part in the democratic process."

Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini also welcomed the results, saying Italy would keep supporting the political process in the country.

Third, Afghanistan was the first country to choose democracy in a new "era" of democracies. Iraq is the second. The opposition to the Iraq war was overwhelming if strictly nation governments are counted. Counting rearward in time of wars past, all successful wars in which the US was central in the war effort, garnered strong support of US citizenry and of world nations. Vietnam was the only problem war. As US support waned, we pulled out.

The pessimism and, at best, lukewarm opinions (opposition) toward the war by countries such as Russia, Spain, France and Germany, may soon have little or no justification because of continued success in the new Iraq. After 8 million Iraqi ballets were cast for the intial Parliamentary elections and now a (9+ million) 78% voter approval of the constituion, it is apparent the citizens of Iraq are more determined to gain their own democracy then the insurgents are at impeding it.
Fourth, As the US started with the toppling of the brutal dictator, Saddam Hussein, and continued taking the war on terror to the middle east, the US and allies are making progress. It is apparent Al Queda and the "insurgents" no this as well. Bombs and body counts are focused on Iraqi citizenry more now then US soldiers. It may be 30 or 40 Iraqi citizens killed by the terrorists for every US soldier taken. The strategy of the terrorists have appeared to change. Their desperation is apparent.
Fifth, As the president may have encouraged in his second inagural address.; With the democratizing of both Afghanistan, Iraq this is encouraging a movement in the entire middle east for the young members of Muslim countries to call for more freedom. On the horizon we see a new democratic Palestine, possibly Syria and Iran, Eastern European.
The battle is still on for support for the war on terror and the spread of democracy. The biggest enemy may be hear at home, the American Media. Why? Because whomever shapes the support of the US public, has the wild card and maybe the most power.
CNN's top story on 10/25 was about the death of the 2000th soldier. No where to be found was a link for the voting outcome of the Iraqi referendum. This is why the 2000th soldier has died. For a cause. James Kinlow of Georgia.
There is little or no mention of the referendum passing in any of these articles;
MSNBC, same story (2000th)., (2000th) a top story (2000th)., top story (2000th).
While Al has articles which are eerily similar to articles read recently on CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS.
ABC story; (2001st)
The British Guardian is getting their agenda read/heard; (2001st)
USA Today; (2000th)
NewsDay article; (2000th)
Village Voice; (2000th)
A list is also being kept of the articles which appear to be supportive Iraq democracy and War on Terror. The list is one. The author, may not be a suprise.
Michelle Malkin (2000th).

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Zawahiri's Lament", from Wall Street Journal online

Opinion Journal posted an article today in Review & Outlook, "Zawahiri's Lament". Be sure to click to read Zawahiri's letter (possibly from Pakistan) to Zarquawai (in Iraq).

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Free Health Care

Finish what you are eating and have seat prior to reading this article. Subject; Russian and North Korean health care. Found the article care of HeyDudeWhoa who truly finds the most interesting articles.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oil For Food - Another Arrest

Per the Foxnews article posted today, a French citizen, formerly Under Secretary General has been arrested by French Police in connection with possible Oil For Food issues.

George Washington Univ Student to Serve, Again

HeyDudeWhoa posted an article found about a student trying to graduate from college, however he has already served 2 tours in Iraq, maybe starting his 3rd. It appears the student has no qualms about going again. He is ready to serve because he believes in the cause.

Very inspiring story. Well written article by the GW Newspaper. The George Washington Hatchett. If this article is a representation of the paper, the writing and editting staff are some professional young folks. The GW Hatchett spares us the banality of large newspapers.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Washington Post Op-Ed, Definately "Opinion"

Bill Bennett is quoted by many articles and pundit’s recently as saying, “You could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” This comment appears to be vial and immoral when read. However, it is the opinion of MoreThanCorn Bill Bennett has had his name tarnished by a few who have “selectively quoted” him. This one sentence by Former Education Secretary Bennett was preceded and followed by other dialogue between him and a caller. It may be important to read what was said, the entire dialogue, before making a judgement on Bill Bennett.

William Raspberry, Op-Ed Columnist for the Washington Post, wrote an article published today; A Better Cure Than Abortion Mr. Raspberry has earned the respect of MoreThanCorn with his past writing. As of the above article, Mr. Raspberry’s respect has taken a misstep and fell into libel with the article being published. He has not done his research on Bill Bennett’s statement. Without Mr. Bennett being readily available to retort, this could loosely be considered slanderous.

Will Raspberry should look no further then fellow Washington Post Op-Ed Columnist, Richard Cohen and the article he wrote on Oct 4, 05, This Is the Free-Speech Party? An important point Mr Cohen makes in paragraph 5 & 6;

[Bill Bennett] “Responding to a caller who argued that if abortion were outlawed the Social Security trust fund would benefit -- more people, more contributions, was the apparent (idiotic) reasoning -- Bennett said, sure, he understood what the fellow was saying. It was similar to the theory that the low crime rate of recent years was the consequence of high abortion rates: the fewer African American males born, the fewer crimes committed. (Young black males commit a disproportionate share of crime.) This theory has been around for some time. Bennett was not referring to anything new.

But he did add something very important: If implemented, the idea would be "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do."

MoreThanCorn summation; If those on the William Raspberry and Nancy Pelosi bandwagon would slow their rhetorical comments long enough to listen to the entire recording, they would both see the benefits of such constructive (and philosophical) arguments. Raspberry, Pelosi and others could focus their energies on debate on how to fix the true crime of Fatherless Black Children.

A footnote to William Raspberry and the Washington Post; your article is well written and enjoyable to read. Your ability to write and provoke thought is now tradition. Those who write well, provoke thought and have the medium for publishing their views also have a moral obligation to be objective and fair.

Friday, October 07, 2005

T-Shirt Lady

HeyDudeWhoa has an Oct 7 post worth reading on the subject of the Washington lady wearing her expletive intensive t-shirt on the airline;

Not only is she wearing a t-shirt with offensive language... justifying the wearing of the shirt by stating family are in Iraq fighting... but two of the key facts here are; 1) she is 32 years old and 2) a lumber salesman per the article.

Paint the picture of who this person may be; young, but old enough to be a professional. Is it safe to conclude since her husband was sitting with her on the flight, he condones his wife's behavior and fashion sense? For there 15 minutes of fame, I think they failed. My first impressions of these two people, also a failure.

Be sure to read the bottom of the article;

"McInnis said Southwest rules allow the airline to deny boarding to any passenger whose clothing is "lewd, obscene or patently offensive."

But Allen Lichtenstein, lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union in Las Vegas, said it "might be problematic" that the airline "changed rules in the middle of a flight.""

Mr Lichtenstein is suggesting the airline changed the rules in mid-flight. Apparently the ACLU would not have a problem with the airline, if upon realizing the lewd t-shirt made it past boarding, the stewards(ess'es) could have thrown a parachute on Lori Heasley and asked to her to get off the plane.

Her name is Lori Heasley. And she is proud to be an American.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bill Bennett, Media & Kennedy Attempt to Destroy His Name

MoreThanCorn often listens to Bill Bennett’s “Morning in America”. While this show was not heard in person, I do no how very careful Mr Bennett is when discussing any issue which could flare up. He chooses his words carefully and simply speaks for academic thought.

Read the article;,2933,170840,00.html

There are quotes from the show. Decide for yourself. It appears to MorethanCorn, this was an honest dialogue with a caller, taken out of context and now is being used by Nanci Pelosi and others to make their civil rights stand, try to be seen as a racial hero, show America their caring and Bill Bennett’s uncaring.

This kind of attacking to make a political statement or to destroy the name of a great American is what is reprehensible. All this attacking will do, is lessen the opportunities for publicly debating tough issues. More people will not want to bring up issues for discourse for they are afraid of how their monologue will be taken. A shame.

Listen to his show yourself. He is on early. Mr Bennett has the MoreThanCorn support.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gay Support Should Come From Voters

Governor Swarzenegger vetoed today “California’s Gender-Neutral Same-Sex Marriage Bill (AB 849)”.

MoreThanCorn does support many gay causes. What is not acceptable is the use of the courts to move the agenda forward. The California Legislature introduced the bill with the following:


This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act."

As MoreThanCorn has written regarding “changing minds”; As the older generations who are less inclusive, are replaced by younger generations, the anti-homosexual crowd will dwindle in numbers. Inclusion is a Christ like quality. As a man of faith it appears to MoreThanCorn there should not necessarily be acceptance of the life style, however acceptance of the person. One can disagree with a life style and still accept the individual.

Marriage is not a “State Institution” it is a religious institution supported by the state. MoreThanCorn, while not versed well in law, has the previous opinion. The Act proposed by
California made a couple points worth arguing against;

(c) In 1948, the California Supreme Court became the first state court in the country to strike down a law prohibiting interracial marriage. It was the only state supreme court to do so before the United States Supreme Court invalidated all those laws in 1967. The California Supreme Court held that "marriage is . . . something more than a civil contract subject to regulation by the state; it is a fundamental right of free men...Legislation infringing such rights must be based upon more than prejudice and must be free from oppressive discrimination to comply with the constitutional requirements of due process and equal protection of the laws" (Perez v. Sharp (1948) 32 Cal.2d 711, 714-15).

It appears to be inappropriate to compare a race based issue with a gay marriage subject. I would be offended if I were a man of color.

It was also troublesome to read the California Legislature decided it necessary to add to the bill, the decisions Canada has made with regard to gay marriage.

(e)…The highest courts in seven Canadian provinces have similarly ruled that marriage laws that discriminate in favor of different-sex couples to the exclusion of same-sex couples violate the rights of same-sex couples and cannot stand.

Does the California Legislature always look to other countries to justify there own opinions? The United States should have stopped making decisions based on laws from other countries after the late 1700’s. Many of our own laws have grown out of British Common law and there were adoptions of others for sure, however to continue this trend in 2005 would be a step rearward.

Now it appears from the article on Fox News (,2933,170835,00.html) the decision will be made by either the voters in California or the California Supreme Court. I hope it is the voters who decide what to do with the future of marriage. Many like to throw around “equal opportunity” and “civil rights.” These phrases help describe what is fair. How fair would it be for the California voters to not have a decision in the definition of marriage? We shall see the side The Civil Liberties Union will take on this case. History shows support for judicial decisions.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Media Overstatement of Katrina Disaster

Matt Drudge links an article from the LA Times today;,0,5492806,full.story?coll=la-home-headlines

I have been hearing more and more reports about the media and the mistatements of food supplies to body counts. The level of helplessness the media portrayed regarding those at the convention center and neighborhoods surround downtown New Orleans, may have contributed to the panic of millions of Houstonians for Rita.

These inaccuracies in reporting and what appears to be purposefully misleading statements appear to be motivated by a reporter wanting to get the biggest story and monumental footage.

Consider a situation;
Reporter Charlie works for a national affiliate for a national media company. He is sent out to cover the already hyped Katrina hurricane as it approaches the gulf coast. He is just south of the eye of the hurricane and getting pummelled by wind and rain. He issues a couple live reports showing the heavy winds and rain. Picture his wet face being buffetted by the winds and Charlie trying theatrically to both stay upright and hold his hood on his head.

Once the rain subsides he sees the aftermath of the hurricane in his area of the coast. It really is not very damaged. Branches and leaves from trees strewn everywhere. Some broken windows of a house and others have shingles missing (probably leaking water in the atticks). The is a low lying street just off the beach which is flooded up to the middle of car Ford Escort parked, left abandoned on the side of the empty street.

Yes, there is damage, however there is really only pretty standard information to report. Nothing absolutely rivetting or disastrous. Charlie probably feels pressure to get the breaking story and forward it to home base for broadcast. Charlie is faced with two choices. The first is to report everything how it is; some damage to homes, cars, trees, beach front... roads flooded, power out, and the city is empty. With this realistic picture of his assigned area, the storm did not cause a lot of relative damage compared to the hype prior to the storm hitting land. His reporting would be something like "This area faired pretty well. Damage is mainly what would be expected for a hurricane."

Or, the second is he could stand in the street which is flooded, with water up over his knees, show very close up footage of a large branch leaning against a house with part of the roof damaged, a front window blown out and someones dog roaming the streets wet and chilled. His reporting could be something like "Houses damaged, power out for unknown city blocks, trees felled, city streets are flooded and unnavigable." The two descriptions of the same scene are much different. Which of the reports would have been more likely to be aired by his employing affiliate or news company?

When you add pictures of corpses floating in water, a few leuters, and un-verified stories of rapes and robbings, killings and etc... occurring in the New Orleans Superdome, the picture can get very bleak, in hurry to the viewer. This hype could have easily spilled into Rita preparations by those in Texas.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The Poor & Single Mother

William Raspberry writes a brief article on some observations regarding the subject of poor, single moms.

"Poor Women's 'Magical Outlook'"

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hamas and the Self Inflicted Casualty

Hamas is being faced with ramifications of "flaunting" homemade rockets at a rally in Gaza. The mishandling of the rockets has killed and wounded their own. The militant group who survives on the continued recruitment of impressionable Palestinian youth, has killed their own future members.

The most descriptive portion of the article is below. It shows the reader how counter productive the Hamas movement appears to be. Hamas really does not want peace. They only want to push Israel out of the Middle East and kill Jewish people.

Nearly 100 Casualties at Gaza Hamas Rally
Friday, September 23, 2005

Associated Press,2933,170237,00.html

The rally was held in the Jebaliya refugee camp, one of the last military-style parades before a ban on flaunting weapons in public — agreed to by all militant groups — takes effect Saturday evening.

Witnesses said participants, including children, crowded around the pickup truck just before the explosion. The witnesses said the truck carried two homemade rockets.

One man, who only gave his first name, Hussam, said he helped pull three men out of the pickup, two of them dead and one still alive. The side of the pickup was charred.

The witness said he saw five dead children nearby. Dozens more were wounded. The Hamas military wing, Izzedine al Qassam, is popular with youngsters and when the pickup with the gunmen arrived at the rally, many crowded around the vehicle.

Also read the op-ed piece by Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post regarding a similar topic;

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

UN Corruption; More Found, Roots Growing Deeper

The following article posted by Fox News tells of the latest 2 corruption investigations of the UN at the home office in New York and branch offices/activities around the world.,2933,168591,00.html

The UN has not been forced to account for the billions it receives from nations nor the money it spends. It has no overseeing body. The "world body" is looked upon by many nation's governments as the be all end all.

MoreThanCorn has a changing opinion. Once a supporter of Kofi Annan (through giving the benefit of the doubt), the number of cases showing corruption at the UN is becoming too great to give Annan the same benefit. Skepticism is growing and MoreThanCorn feels Annan's days are numbered. Also many top brass will be exiting the organization voluntarily or forceably.

The US appointed and confirmed John Bolton at the right time. He will be digging his feet in and learning. Bolton will be watching Paul Volker.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Large Classes or Small Classes?

Below is the link to an article written by Richard Vedder, Professor of Economics, Ohio University;,2933,168107,00.html

The article asks the question if primary education was more like secondary education (if elementary and high schools were more like universities) would the education system improve?

He compares the numbers of students in high school classes (typically less then 30) with class sizes of Freshman in college (200+). He also makes other comparisons and then gives his opininos. He is supportive yet cautious of changes to the primary education to be more like a university or college.

When comparing class sizes and the benefit to student's learning. It is apparent those who made it to the university level of education were typically the students who a) worked harder b) were "made" for additional learning. It is reasonable to say some high school graduates are not cut out for a university education. This is where the Community Colleges and Vocational schools are playing a large role. The success rate of 200 valedictorians assembled in one classroom learning a great deal at a large lecture hall of 200 students is better then your average class of 30 students in high school where the schools valedictorian is present along with an average spread of 29 other students.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina's Legacy Begins

CNN posted a concise yet detailed article covering both the words of the President for response to Katrina and what the latest details.

Prayers and more Prayers for our Gulf Coast residents.

Friday, August 26, 2005

RU 486 News Again; The Morning After Abortion

Read the article below (highlighted) regarding the use of the Morning After pill. Then read the MorThanCorn opinion.

Study: 'Morning After' Pill Not Harmful to Fetus
Friday, August 26, 2005


Pregnancies that occur despite the use of emergency contraception that contains a progestin do not appear to be associated with any increased risk to mother or child, according to new research.

Although the number of women in the study was small, researchers found there was no apparent harm to the mother or developing fetus caused by using the emergency contraception -- known as the "morning after" pill -- in a failed attempt to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse.

Emergency contraception called Plan B consists of two 0.75-milligram doses of a progestin pill (levonorgestrel); each pill is taken 12 hours apart. A 1.5-milligram dose of levonorgestrel may also be taken in combination with an estrogen. The emergency contraception must be taken within three to five days of unprotected sex.

This form of emergency contraception is about 85 percent effective at preventing pregnancy and is believed to work in one of three ways: temporarily blocking eggs from being produced, preventing the formation of hormones within the ovaries that maintain a pregnancy, or keeping a fertilized egg from becoming implanted in the uterus.

A possible association between prepregnancy exposure to progestins and congenital abnormalities has been debated, they write. These abnormalities tend to arise from long-term use of levonorgestrel rather than short-term, low-dose preparations used in emergency contraception pills, they add.

Is this WebMD's attempt on putting the best possible face on failed attempts at terminating a life? Simply put, the article states 85% of the time, the 'Morning After' pill is successful at doing one of 3 things;
1) block the production of eggs
2) block hormones which maintain the life of the child
3) block the child from rooting into the uterus

If the pill is unsuccessful at one of the above three, then life continues.

With no medical background, it is still apparent to MoreThanCorn the second two options are ending the pregnancy by directly killing the child.

The pill is designed to at best keep a life from starting, at worst for ending a life.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Prayer and More Prayer for Russian Submariners

A Russian submarine carrying 7 Russian sailors was tangled in a fishing net. The net snared the propellor making it inoperable according the CBS news online. would typically be 3 days of extra oxygen on board with a typical crew of 3. For unknown reasons there are 7 onboard, dropping the oxygen supply to a day.

According to the reading of multiple articles, the one day clock probably started in early am on Friday, August 8 possibly 5 or 6am. The US Navy and the British are sending rescue vehicles and crew. The Russian Navy is apparently already there towing the vehicle to more shallow water so as to give the rescue attempts a higher chance of success.

In a situation where the oxygen levels are low I would think the crew are rightfully in a bit of a panic. I hope there is someone in communication with them at this time. If the crew could be calmed and asked to lie down or lay in their bunks this would drop the rate of the breathing. A savings of oxygen would be noticeable.

God's speed to the crew members.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bush Calls Crew of Shuttle Discovery


President Bush phoned the Discovery crew today. He was able to see them on a TV screen at the whitehouse.

"I know you've got important work to do ahead of you," Bush said.
"We are with you and wish you all the very best. Thanks for taking my phone call. Now get back to work," the president said.
"Thank you for being risk takers for the sake of exploration," Bush said.
"A lot of Americans will be praying for a safe return," he added.
Astronaut Collins told the president, "The steps we're taking right now are really worth it."
Collins noted that, "We did fly over Texas" earlier Tuesday.

Friday, July 15, 2005

North Korea, Making Nukes and Starving Folks

The New York Times and writer Nicholas Kristof published July 12, 2005 the following article, “Behind Enemy Lines.”

"The Bush administration has refused to negotiate with North Korea one on one, or to offer a clear and substantial package to coax Mr. Kim away from his nuclear arsenal. Instead, Mr. Bush has focused on enticing North Korea into six-party talks. The North finally agreed on Saturday to end a yearlong stalemate and join another round of those talks."

Mr Kristof seems to even give more respect to Kim Jong Il, calling him “the Dear Leader,” possibly written with sarcasm. Yet, when comparing to his addressment of the President as “Mr. Bush,” it becomes clear to the the casual reader of Mr Kristof's lack of respect and possibly his own political leanings.

It seems the author is also masquerading and attempting arduously to appear as a learned man and one who has important political opinions. Statements made in the article are not grounded in fact, they are at best loosley formulated opinions on a topic of which he cannot honestly claim to be an expert.

After spending an unknown amount of time speaking with a N Korean general, the vice president or whomever he interviewed, Mr Kristof truly believes he has the answers to the North Korean problem, the nuclear issue and maybe others.

Mr Kristof it appears has taken his position too far. His journalism amounts making summations of which he is most certainly not an expert. Mr Kristof is a journalist. If he only wrote about North Korean history, politics and was invited into a weekly war room meeting with the North Korean dictator, maybe I would consider him an expert and consider the conclusions he draws as note worthy. After spending a hand full of days and speaking with couple of scripted political and military representatives of the country, a journalists expertise is still under question. I spent 2 weeks in Europe in 94, I surely would not consider myself an expert of anything in Europe. Unless I spent the entire two weeks only studying the fasade of the Arch De Triumph. Report what you observe. Take it no further.

And as HeyDudeWhoa suggested, write about the hundreds of thousands of deaths Kim Jong Il has on his hands and the uncontrolled starvation. Facts are a journalist's best friend. Subjective material has a place, at the pub with the swilling of dark beer.

HeyDudeWhoa commented on the article. The first is a serious point; stating the article blames the Bush Administration for the North Korean “crisis”. To which it appears he did not agree. His second point is also a serious one, written with some hilarity. Mr. Kristof’s love for North Korean Noodles took precedent over the millions of hungry North Koreans.

In time the world will see the "fallout" of North Korea using or selling a nuclear weapon. But it is still avoidable. By what method, it is difficult to say. Will the talks be awash, perhaps. No progress ever was made if someone only considered what could go wrong. Entertaining what could go right and letting this be a motivator is very American.

What is unavoidable for Kim Jong Il, is the time left in keeping the plight of his country under his rug. In time we will see the product of a ruthless hand of a dictitorial man.

The ignorance of Nicholas Kristof, the journalist, may be seen in his first sentence when describing North Korea as “bizarre”. A North Korean citizen, might use the adjectives "death camp."

Finally, a Doctor will typically like to be called a such because they earned the title. A judge deserves to be called by his title. The President deserves his title followed by his last name and no less.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Possible ID of Director of London Bombings

Read the article from Forbes;

It is now known the four who had rucksack bombs on their back died in the bombings. All the investigation in London is being directed toward "towards seeking the persons who planned and directed the atacks".

Hugh Hewitt Interviews American-Muslim

Took an extremely late lunch today and listened to Hugh Hewitt out of Los Angeles on the short drive. Hugh asked for any Muslim listeners to call in and discuss the day's issue.

Hugh had previously read from the The Times of London and other publications. The topic of discussion was whether the London bombings last week had the same effect as the Madrid bombings. It was obvious the two events were different thus far.

The Madrid bombings were staged just before elections. After the first event, the bombings, there were a number of additional events which led to the ouster of the previous "executive branch" of Spain who supported the Iraq war. The Spanish people voted in a candidate who vowed to withdrawal all troops form Iraq, which he did.

The London bombings were not timed before an election, however Hugh surmised the terrorists were looking for a similar response from Britian. The response was a "pull-back" or softened stance on terrorism. The terrorists may have hoped if the British are hit at home, they may crawl into their homes and raise the white flag. However, Prime Minister Blair quickly got on the podium and denounced the terror acts and reinforced if not increased his offense on the war on terror. The attacks thus far have had the opposite effect as may have been hoped, simply emboldening and angering the British to fight harder. Cheerio to the British!

A Muslim listener called in who was originally from Ethiopia. Hugh wanted the American-Muslim side of how all this can be stopped. The listener (we will call him Muslopia) said if the US pulls it's military forces from Saudi Arabia it would resolve the issue. Hugh questioned this statement and asked for more clarity. Paraphrasing Hugh, "You think if the US pulls their troops out of Saudi Arabia, the terrorist attacks will stop." Muslopia did not know what to say at first and fumbled some... Muslopia then said, "The US needs to stop forcing it's culture on the rest of the world... The rest of the world already have their own cultures, we don't need a second culture."

Hugh said we are not really forcing our culture, it is being sought by the rest of the world. I think Hugh may have been referencing country music, blue jeans, Starbucks and democracy. Hugh said he really thinks everyone in the world want what we have.

Hugh asked Muslopia why he came to this country; Muslopia said he is a taxi cab driver and said he came to America for his family. Hugh then began to paint the parrallel of if Muslopia came to America for a better life for his family, then how is it wrong for others to want more of America in their country. In reality it may not be American music, clothing or coffee. It maybe our ideals, freedoms... our Democracy. I think Hugh said the other peoople want the same thing Muslopia came here to find, food, shelter, things many other countries cannot provide their citizenry.

Monday, July 11, 2005

2 Children Missing in Arizona, 3 Dead

Read the following article regarding the latest missing children posted to Arizona's Amber Alert system.

Anyone can sign up at to receive text messages or emails for children gone recently missing. You can choose which state(s) from which to receive messages and even down to the individual county.,2933,162130,00.html

Saturday, July 09, 2005

"Pay Check Protection"

Read the article by Michael Reitz, "Big Labor Taking a Beating".,2933,162000,00.html It informs us of a move by states to allow individual union members to decide if they want their respective labor groups to spend their dues money for political endeavors. This measure called "Pay Check Protection" has passed in 5 states and may be garnering more attention in the near future.

Mr. Reitz' article also shares interesting statistics on union membership numbers.

Friday, July 08, 2005

London Bombings 07/07/05


There was a different feeling one friend of mine said. “When I heard about 9/11 I was shocked and had mixed emotions. I felt remorse for the victims and families and anger toward those who caused this… however no fear.” He went on to say, “But when I heard about London today my personal feelings were different. I still felt remorse for those effected, but now I was scared. I had not been scared after 9/11.”

Pieces of CNN and FoxNews coverage of the events of the ‘yet to be named’ London bombings:

8:51 Liverpool Street Station a bomb goes off killing 7, injuring many others
8:56 Kings Crossing, Russell Square, bomb two kills 21
9:17 Three trains cars involved in third bomb blast killing 5
Then shortly after a Double Decker Bus blows up on the city streets.

Per the British law enforcement, there was “no warning”.

CNN- recorded speech of Prime Minister, Tony Blair from the G8 summit;
“We will not be intimidated.”

At Queen Elizabeth’s encouragement the Union Jack was being flown at half staff on top Buckingham Palace.

Blair gave a speech from the G8 podium. In just three minutes, Tony Blair gave what appeared to be a completely off-the-cuff speech. His speech was very emotional at times and seemed to take what happened as very personal.

“It is reasonably clear there have been a series of terrorist attacks in London. There are obviously casualties both people that have died and those injured. Thoughts and prayers are with the families.

Each of the countries around the table have some experience with the effects of terrorism…all countries share resolution to defeat terrorism.

It is particularly barbaric on a day when people are meeting to help the problem of poverty in Africa and climate change.

Also reasonably clear it is designed and aimed to coincide with the opening of G8. There will be time to talk later about this. It’s important however that hose engaged in terrorism realize… that our determination to defend our values and way of life is greater then their determination to cause death and destruction on innocent people and to pose extremism on the world.

Whatever they do it is our determination they will not succeed in destroying what we hold dear…”

The Prime Minister's speech was doubly strong as leaders stood behind him stalwart and straight faced; President Bush, Chirac, Schroeder, Kofi Annan.

My friend also said, he feels a connection with the British people. MoreThanCorn agrees and this is contrary to what CNN was reporting the evening of 07/07. Statistics flashed on the screen showing those over 50 years old feel close to the British while the younger generations do not feel the same connection.

This patriotic plurality may be far beyond the ability for a few questions by a reporter to gauge the public feeling. CNN also seemed to make an attempt to politicize what happened. Statistics were also flashed on the screen showing half of the population of the US thinks the British were targeted because of their cooperation with the US in Iraq.

The fact is those killing innocents are “barbaric” as Prime Minister Blair said. They have no qualms with killing in one country or another, one day or a holiday, a church or a school. No small band of villains can hope to, by themselves, effect a countries policy or the world’s views. However, if they change the views or change the minds of a few people at a time, a neighborhood or eventually one country… into believing they would be better off with not fighting terrorism as we are today… example; Spain and their last election….this is how the few terrorists can methodically win.

The US under President Bush and the UK under Tony Blair will not change their views or ideals, tactics or opinions of the murderous people Al Qaeda has grown to be. Australia appears to be a strong ally. However, with much of the rest of the world, I do not have such confidence. Perhaps the London bombings will begin to change minds. Hopefully change to placing blame on terrorists and their acts and not the US in Iraq or Afganistan.

These speeches will forthcoming. Possibly they have started already, prior to MoreThanCorn turning on the news this evening. “Who really is responsible for 37 (X 2 or 3) Brithish dealths and 700 (X 2 or 3) maimed and injured? Is it the terrorists or is it the US?” The nerve of those who we will hear raising these questions. They are actually accusations framed as a question.

This was truly a day the world changed. The Prime Minister’s speech will undoubtedly make it into the books for history in our schools. I think his speech was testament and a representation of the strength of Britian. Tony Blair represents those on the street who watched and those who died.

As the British are known to be, they will quickly get back to daily activities as normal. This is both healthy for them mentally, and it shows their strength.

I truly feel we are becoming like the Israelis during their war with Palestine, like the British and the Irish Republican Army... With each additional part fear, two parts strength and resolve. The

God be with Britian!
"Business as usual!"

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

UAW, Biting the Hand Which Feeds It

Forbes Magazine
July 4th Issue
"Jobs Hunt"

The article about GM, their president and the company's future; "Wagoner's pledge to cut jobs is designed to get to a larger goal of his: to operate at full capacity. "

In 2004 GM employed 136K workers and needed just 86K to do the work. The company is currently suffering from very similar overly staffed factories and too much capacity.

The article gives more stats "...Assuming by 2008 GM is fortunate enough to keep its share of the market at 25% (this may be optimistic due to GM losing share every year) and that productivity gains shrink its Canadian and Mexican workforces by 10%, the company will have roughly 109K workers -doing what 78K could do."

This is the 5th article I have read on this topic of the GM predicament. GM is at a cross roads and no analyst or publication has yet to have the confidence and honesty with their readership to put the blame where it belongs. The UAW is honestly the primary reason why GM has too many workers. The UAW is causing GM to be in a environment with the inability to eb and flow with the market and then to compete against other automakers, namely Japanese autos.

Come on Forbes.. Come on The Wall Street Journal, Arizona Republic... you want to publish something truthful, yet controversial to sell more copies? Front page of your next issue, write an article with the title "UAW Cutting the Hand Which Feeds It."

Sunday, June 26, 2005

New NAACP Chief, Promotes Entrepreneurship

The NAACP has chosen their new chief. Bruce Gordon, a retired Verizon executive is the spokesman of the organizations for the future. Go to Booker Rising for an article. But is Mr Gordon the leader of the organization's future?

It appears the NAACP has recongized the capitalism in this country is a tool for change for everyone. I believe there may have been a dialogue among the NAACP's 64 member board of directors as to what is going to serve the best interests of Black America more; 1) get more votes for more black political figures, or 2) the rising wealth of individual black Americans?
Whether this conversation actually transpired, or not, MoreThanCorn sees the a bright future for black Americans in leaders like Mr. Gordon. There is no excuse for not succeeding in our country. There are the lowest barriers to entry in the US compared to all other countries. The ownership society will benefit Black America, then benefiting us all.

Success for Black America is dependent on education as Booker Rising highlights in the Chicago Tribute Interview of Barrack Obama, Democratic US Senator from Illinois.

"Obama: On Race, The Senate, The Presidency"
Q--What's the most important racial issue facing the country now?
A--Education. There is no denying that while individual African-American students are doing wonderful and achieving at the highest levels, in the aggregate African-American students are still behind at every level. It's a legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and poverty. But it's not sufficient for us to excuse it because the economy is unforgiving. If we don't have African-American youth who are able to graduate from high school, attend college, get postgraduate education and compete in jobs that require math and science and high levels of literacy, then we can eradicate all the racism in the country and we're still going to be at the bottom of the socioeconomic index.

MoreThanCorn wants the same end result as Senator Obama and Bruce Gordon and this shows both our passions for economic success of Black America. Where MoreThanCorn and the Senator's views views differ is in the path of constructing the environment for black success. How to promote more education for black Americans. It is important the federal and state governments do not attempt to make a change.

Education is our bedrock, however not all will be successful at a university. There are numerous success stories of individuals who did not go to college or began high education and never completed. The path for everyone is not high school - college - graduate school as Senator Obama seems to imply. For a few the previous path is correct. These may be the "Talented Tenth," the highest educated, as black activist, WEB DuBois, wrote in the 1800's. But these 10%'ers are just some of the core leadership. For the masses of White, Black and Hispanic America, they will also need leadership and education of a different style. Further educational gains at the university level for some, community colleges, on the job training for others, trade schools.

I do not know whether it is more difficult to be successful as a non-degreed individual? To earn a job working for a standing company maybe. To start your own business, while it cannot hinder you, a degree is just a bonus. A diploma is a certificate of completion for a perscribed set of courses to learn, books to read and papers to write. Self education outside of a classroom, a "student of life" or maybe a new "student of entrepreneurship" is what seperates the company presidents from all other employees at those same firms.

It is all so much more complicated then what can fit in any research paper or dissertation for economics. The use of words like "socio-economic", "economic justice" Some of the smartest folks today may be researchers, the A and B students may be teachers, the B and C students may be the company founders. All will have their chance for success. Fundamentally, hard work and a risk are what breed individual success and grow economies.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Amber Alert's Future, The Multiplying Effect of Communication

There has been a pattern recently in the national media. Typically patterns of mass media have been not for the better. My examples would be the over indulging coverage of Michael Jackson and his molestation trial, the runaway bride, Scott Peterson and even Terri Schiavo. The media certainly did not continue to cover these topics from the abundance of new material everyday. Far from it. I remember for both the Peterson and Jackson trials, there would be no new information for days, but CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS and others would still have back to back to back shows with these trials as topics of discussion. Bad trend.

Good trend; The attention the media has taken to the missing children stories. On my drive/commute to work each day in Phoenix, AZ there are the over head signs on the interstate to post traffic problems ahead, pollution reminders and Amber Alerts. Since September 2002 there have been 18 Amber Alerts in Arizona. The success rate for finding them? 100%. It does not take an actuary to figure out this system works.

The media is in an amazing position to help. Fox News will often have Amber Alert segments when a child is missing. Obviously the media is not able to cover every missing child, but even if they are covering 1 missing child at a time in their news, I think they are doing a big part.

This coverage serves all interests;
The Child - If Fox News or CNN have 5 million viewers at any given time during the day or night, and an Amber Alert is flashed on the screen with a picture and short clip on the dissappearance of a child, this in essence recruits 5 million sets of eyes to be on the lookout.

The Viewer - I would think everyone who cares enough to turn on the news would be interested in most any missing child story. The satisfaction of seeing a missing child found is rewarding to the viewer even though they do not know the child, live in a different state with no personal connection to the child or family.

The Media - They are driven by ratings because ratings bring revenue. The media knows "The Viewer"may be more interested in missing child stories as any story. The media wants to capitalize on this, therefore they show the Amber Alerts. Here we have an example of how the dollar will produce an immeasureable service to the community.

This good story does not stop there. The Amber Alert system is still in it's infancy. An article which paints a good picture of where this is heading is; The article dated 11/2004. Sign up for the Amber Alert through the link below. You can sign up right now to receive a text message on your cell phone, a page on your pager or an email. These mediums are turned into Amber Alert signs instantly. If there are 2 million cell phones in greater Phoenix, there would be 2 million more eyes and ears recruited. The benefit here, is this number of people are contained in a geographic arena surrounding the where the kidnapping originated.

Per the article, " According to the Amber Alert portal, time is the enemy when it comes to finding abducted children. Seventy-four percent of kidnappers who kill abducted children do so within three hours of taking them. Message system technology combats the time barrier with real-time information."

Go to AmberAlert911 right now and volunteer to be jacked into the child finding network! We could be a "first recoverer." A missing child, the media, and the public... a symbiotic relationship.

Be sure to hit 'reply' at the bottom of this post to add your name to the list of those who already have signed up. The goal is to inspire 100 more sets of eyes and ears.

Friday, June 24, 2005

What do Abercrombie and Toyota have in common?

The Wall Street Journal
Friday, June 17, 2005

Two articles with different subject matters also share one common theme. Increased customer service directly influences the happiness of customers and an increased number.

"Dealers Dilemma" , by Norihiko Shirouzu &
"Abercrombie & Fitch Tries to Be Less Haughty, More Nice", by Stephanie Kang

"Dealers Dilemma" with a cartoon by Gary Clement depicts a large GMC and Pontiac dealership next to a Nissan storefront. Mr. Clement draws not a single customer in the expansive GMC showroom, the sole salesman asleep and spiderwebs growing on the 'G' of GMC. The Nissan showroom is much smaller but is full of engaged customers.

The article discusses the overcapacity for floor space at the dealerships selling GM product lines and the undercapacity for Asian autos. In short, GM sales are down but the showrooms are built to sustain large inventories, while the Nissan, Toyota, and Honda showrooms are too small for the demand.

Toyota sees their sales climbing very fast and this is effecting not only the sales (they could be selling more units) but it is also effecting all the activities post sale such as service, repairs and body shop. Customers are even telling Toyota there are not enough parking spaces at the dealerships. Toyota is doing something about these issues. They are pushing the dealerships for expansion, "...hiring of more sales and service workers, boosting the number of service bays, increasing spare parts storage, and building larger showrooms and parking and display areas." Toyota is concerned about customer service, so they are adding bodies. If they do this successfully, there products are already popular, they just need to get buyers into them. Sales will inevitably increase. Toyota is focusing on customer service to increase sales. GM is focusing on how to keep from losing more sales to Toyota. Asian automakers are in good shape for the near future.

The Abercrombie article also is discussing a customer service issue. Abercrombie attempted to go too lean with staffing in the last couple seasons and customers advised coporate, the sales staff did not seem to care. Abercrombie started turning sales around (per article;19% increase in sales, and 38% rise in net income for fiscal quarter ended April 30) after a number of changes. One was the addition of Bob Singer as president and COO.

"Mr Singer turned his focus not on the merchandise mix but on the store experience, starting with customer service. When he arrived at Abercrombie, some customer-service fundamentals were lacking: There simjply weren't enough people working in the stores, for example, he says. "

Now there are greeters at the front of each Abercrombie store...and posted in every section of the sales floor...Mr Singer has brought ina vice president of training for stores. Increased training has reduced 'shrink' or the amount of lost or stolen merchandise."

Both Toyota and Abercrombie realize they can only do more and sell more with the same resources for so long. The importance for any customer service driven business (name one which is not) is to keep the level of service exceptional and smiling customers. Toyota and Abercrombie executives know happy customers will return.

So Abercrombie took the risk, gambled with investing profits into more staff and training and their payoff was green well above their investment. Toyota is now beginning this cycle. If they make it happen, the sales and profits will increase. Market share will grow.

For any business and any Adam Smith fan, leaner and is usually better. However when the curve for lean meets up with diminishing returns, it may be time to add employees.

It really is all about profit. However to get the profits, the customers must return. They will only return with a positive past experience. It looks like a built-in check and balance in the free market.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Students for Saving Social Security

Via a post read from Absentee, there is a grass roots organization of college students for Social Security reform. They are Students for Saving Social Security and are pro-personal accounts. Be sure to go to the "Do The Math" section (bottom right corner of homepage). It is brought to you by The Heritage Foundation; Input a few pieces of information and compare the monthly benefits received at your retirement through the current social security system vs. Bush plan of personal accounts.

Take note; this calculator assumes a 'worst case' scenario where you make the same income from today through retirement. I think many of us competitive professionals would hope to have a promotion or two in the next 30-40 years. This would only increase our monthly benefit.

As MoreThanCorn sees it, personal accounts are a no brainer.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

GM Will Eventually Revise Job Cuts Upward

The Economist
June 11-17, 2005
Pg 60,
General Motors "The Lost Years"

The Economist focuses attention on the news by President, Rick Wagoner, at the annual shareholders meeting of the 25k worker reduction in the workforce was well received by stock holders. However an industry analyst, Maryann Keller, "calculates that what Mr Wagoner outlined was little more than the workforce reductions GM already expected through normal attrition." Ms Keller says "There is nothing pro-active here. It does not bring their costs down to the point they'll match the competition."

The Harbour Report recently reported Toyota cut the number of hours to build an automobile by 5.5% (North American plants). GM made efficiency improvements as well, however, at 34 hours per vehicle, still relatively lackluster when compared with Toyota.

GM is also paying employees + benefits about $50.00/hour.

The reason for the 6 hours difference in turnaround time per vehicle? One reason could be the overall control the unions have on GM.

"The report also showed that, while the busiest of GM's plants ran at 139% of capacity with extra shifts last year, others operated at just 8%, because the union would not allow them to be closed. Toyot'as North American utilisation rate ran between 96 - 126%"

"More flexible union work rules would help, according to Ron Harbour, the report's author. But this is not just a union problem. It requires more flexible plant design and better, more flexible..."

Hold the press! One of the following transpired; 1) The Economist did not ask the right questions, 2) editted the interview improperly or 3) Ron Harbour is not familiar with Union/Manufacturer negotiations.

We contacted Brian Jones, a former UAW negotiator, who now lives in Indianapolis, IN. When asked the question, "Do unions have a determining factor in anyway to how the plants are designed or staffed?" Mr. Jones stated, the UAW would have agreed in advance with GM the number of workers to be employed by any new plant. Once GM determines what manufacturing is to be done at a given plant, the union would then negotiate with GM as to what processes will be automated and which processes will have more human intervention.

To the casual observer, having more humans employed is great. To anyone who has owned a business (especially a creation of a product), this is negative. If employing a labor saving machine will reduce overall costs, then the company MUST employ the machine. If the company does not, you can be sure the competitor will.

The jist.. the UAW determines which processes are to done by a human versus machine. This is how they can employ more human capital. This is not only less productive, but further jeopardizes GM's competitiveness. GM's market share has fallen 3% just in the last year (majoirty of this going to the Asian Three). The company can not continue to swallow this handicap.

MoreThanCorn agrees this is more then a Union problem GM is facing, however the depth of the Union factor is greatly underepresented.

GM will faulter further if it does not weaken the Union hand. These 25k jobs lost will probably be revised upwards before late 2008. GM needs to do what it can to survive in a competitive auto industry. The UAW may be the largest hurdle for GM.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Tabor Laws; Return of Unused Tax Revenue

Wall Street Journal
Friday June 17, 2005
Review & Outlook (A14)
"America's Next Tax Revolt"

Per the article, there are "...20 states... working on a Tax Payer Bill of Rights (Tabor) to cap runaway spending and tax increases."

Tabor laws serve a number of purposes.
1) Requires state government to have a budget cap
2) Requires states to refund tax revenues collected above the budget

In paragraph 4..."The National model here is the Tabor law passed in Colorado 12 years ago. "...In six of the last nine years Coloradans have received tax refunds in the mail exceeding $3.2 billion, or about $3,000 per family over the period."

Paragraph 5 has the most telling fact...."real per capita state spending in Denver has grown more slowly....IOt's probably no coincidence that Colorado has also seen faster growth in personal incomes and population thien any other state over this time period."

MoreThanCorn believes state governments should be guided financially just as individuals, families and companies handle their own finances. What the State brings in, is what the State has to spend. Paragraph 9 & 10 read like this;

"Replubican Governor Bill Ownes who is pro-Tabor, has called for a "five year Tabor time out. Mr Owens complains that during the recent two year downtourn in Colorado actual revenue collections fell. The solution is to allow somewhat larger spending growth in bad economic times. Let the states build up budget rainy day funds during the boom years and then during recessions let them spend down these reserves... [this would] smooth out revenue cycles so state governmentds don't go through boom and bust as economic growth rises or falls. Many states nearly the last mild recession because they had gone on a spendiong binge during the tech driven go-go years of the late 1990's."

Governor Owens and the author of the Journal article are trying to fix bad behavior with other bad behavior. It appears they are admitting the mistakes of state governments in the 90's for over spending. Governor Owens wants to end Tabor laws for "five years" (it would be permanent no doubt) and the author makes his own mistake by suggesting the government could keep the excess revenue.

Budgets are necessary to keep. If a single, working mother does not budget her finances, either the rent, electric bill or groceries are sacrificed. If a company does not budget, it's days will be numbered. In boom years everyone from the single mom, to the state government should be working off their current budget. If in mid year a recession begins, the mother may need to redraw her budget, so should the state.

Yes, reductions in social services or other programs are painful. So too is it for the mother and the family. The mother may already be riding the bus to work and have a subscription to the Sunday paper just for the coupons. Finding further reductions in monthly costs is difficult, however I know many families who always seem to find another way to shed cost. Any money the mother does not spend, in good times or hard times, could be saved if desired.

This last point is where the financial paths of the family and private enterprise begin to diverge from the public coffer. All money left over from state taxes each year should be refunded to the taxpayer.

The Heritage Foundation addressed the use of excess tax revenues under Tabor laws; "Budget surpluses could be split automatically between tax rebates and debt reduction." This is appropriate if the state government has debt. However once the debt has been paid down, the state should be held responsible to keep spending in line with the budget. Moving forward, the entire surplus could be refunded to the taxpayer.

Who earned the money? The taxpayer worked to earn their pay. Did the government work hard to earn the tax revenue? It was EFT'd from your paycheck before it ever was deposited. Who knows better how to spend your money? You or the state legislators.

The $3 Billion the Coloradons received back was their hard earned money. They deserve to receive it back. Their own use of the money, whether spending it back into the economy or investing (which is also injected into the economy), will promote further growth and job creation. An increase in per capita wealth will follow causing people to spend/invest more, indirectly spurring the most blessed and wealthiest of our fellow American bourgeoisie to increase their current manufactures or take risks with their extra money into new enterprise. All the above increase tax revenue for the state.

Had the $3 Billion been kept in a State bank account it would either a) spent on other projects or b) sitting in low interest accounts and not really helping the economy.

MoreThanCorn argues the $3 Billion would have increased the economy by not just the original amount, but the ripplies would have a multiplying impact. It can be argued a recession would not have come into existence at all, or at the very least the recession would be brought to a more hasty end.

It is critical the taxpayer understands this is their wealth being taxed away. This money is in addition to your yearly state and federal income tax returns. Those states without Tabor laws are states where the public are complacent with tax codes, ignorant of the economic choices or have been intentionally misinformed.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Oil For Food - Annan May Have Known About Cotecna

Article by FoxNews today suggests UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, may have known about future of Cotecna contract under Oil For Food Program. Cotecna is a company who employed the SG's son, Kojo Annon. The SG has denied any knowledge of the contract talks between the UN and Cotecna. The FoxNews article links an email from a Cotecna rep, Michael Wilson (a friend of Kofi) to other Cotecna associates following a supposed meeting with the SG. Read the article;,2933,159532,00.html

Until the above is proven true, MoreThanCorn is still a supporter of Kofi Annan. MoreThanCorn does not support the UN, however with the organization as it exists, summations can be made about their day to day decisions and activities. These same opinions can be drawn about those in positions of authority at the UN. As of today it is the opinion of the author the SG is responsible for what happens on his watch. However like any leader of an organization of thousands, it is not possible for the leader to head off all issues prior to their arrival. When mistakes or improprieties are found, it is the SG, CEO, or President's job to replace those committing the wrongs. Taking Mr. Annan out of his post due to the wrong doings of others below him is not necessarily the best answer to the problem. Terminating those who gravely erred is appropriate. The more quickly the problems are found and the wrong doers flushed from the UN, the more quickly the organization can get back to focusing the resources on constructive endeavors.